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Acupuncture FAQ: FAQ

What's different about Classical Five-Element Acupuncture (compared to other acupuncture styles)?

Most people are surprised to learn that Classical Five-Element Acupuncturists do not generally leave needles placed in the body for a period of time and also do not leave the room during a treatment.  Needling technique, the application of the herb moxa (artemesia plant), and time spent with each person tend to set our identity apart from modern acupuncture styles. It is rooted in some of the earliest classics of Chinese Medicine as a whole.  It honors the values of a time when all life and the world were held with great respect and understanding, when Nature led the teachings and the example for how to conduct our lives. 

Most modern acupuncture styles work to diagnose the underlying Chinese medical patterns that correlate to the symptoms of the patient.  While we certainly want to know symptom information to inform our decision-making, Classical Five-Element Acupuncturists focus on diagnosing the underlying and prevailing cause that creates the symptoms in the first place.  My aim is to address the core imbalance that leads to maladies of body and mind, which also makes it an excellent form of preventive medicine!  Each treatment builds upon the next to fortify one's inherent ability to heal on all levels.  Treatment addresses all aspects of a person at once rather than focusing on one part of the body before the next part.  Because of this, patients time and time again report additional, unexpected benefits that make their lives better physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.        

What can I expect after I set up my first acupuncture appointment?

Every first acupuncture appointment typically lasts 2 hours beginning with an Initial Intake.  At this intake, we will meet together to go over your health and history from a body-mind-spirit perspective.  You will get to establish the main reasons you are coming in for treatment in greater detail than our phone meeting.  There will also be a physical exam in which I assess your structure and energy followed by your first treatment. ​

When appropriate, I will include the use of moxa in your treatments.  Moxa is an herb from the artemesia plant.  Moxibustion is a supportive and nourishing part of treatment in which moxa cones are placed upon the acupuncture point and burned just enough to bring warmth to the area. 

Follow-up treatments are very important in order to allow treatment effects to take hold in a way that support overall lasting benefits.   Each treatment has a cumulative effect and builds upon the others.  A series of acupuncture treatments are necessary rather than a one-off appointment.  Please call to discuss how this would look for your individual health. 

How often do acupuncture treatments need to be in order to be effective?

At first when you begin acupuncture, your treatments should be on a weekly basis in order to give the treatments time to build up your Qi/energy.  Once, you and I are able to see beneficial results of your energy holding stronger on its own independent of acupuncture, we space treatment out to once every two weeks, then again to monthly, or even seasonally.   

Acupuncture treatments can be thought of as a special therapy in which we are re-familiarizing your energy system with what Balance is.  Balance represents Harmony and Health and includes:

-Improved immune response 

-Inner sturdiness in the face of stress 

-Better circulation of blood and Qi/energy

-Restored fluid secretions (joints, gastrointestinal, inflammation)

-Ease and contentedness 
-Improved bio rhythms (sleep, diet, hormones)

-Cooperative state of the internal organs including the brain

-Quieter mind, relaxed body

The fact is that we all fall out of balance as a matter of being alive and subject to life's stressors.  Acupuncture comes from the Laws of Nature which shows your body's energy how to return to its inherent wisdom.  It offers a re-learning process by attunement back to one's true nature - a life force full of health and possibility.   Regular appointments are important especially in the beginning to allow this process the necessary time to unfold.  

Do you prescribe herbs?

No.  This is because the focus is on treating the root cause of symptoms, rather than on the symptoms themselves.  Other acupuncturists who do prescribe Chinese herbs are using them to treat certain patterns they diagnose that correlate with certain symptoms.  Alternatively, Classical Five-Element Acupuncturists treat the root of what leads to those symptoms and illness.  Further, when the symptoms are the main focus of treatment, there is a tendency for them to resurface at a later time.   

Oftentimes, I find that people are relieved to know that they won't be asked or expected to take another pill or herb. Sometimes, it makes sense for someone to take a medication or supplement to feel better as they are healing!  All medications, herbs, and supplements should be discussed during the initial intake or as they are added into a health regimen. 

Can Classical Five-Element Acupuncture help with my ________??

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture improves how your body's organs and systems communicate in order to function cooperatively.  This cooperation within the body is nature at its best.  This balance allows your own body’s wisdom to heal itself at its own time and pace. 

While Qi Cottage cannot guarantee the same results for any person or condition, the following is a partial list of conditions Jennifer has personally treated.  We decided to share this information here to provide a sense of the ability that acupuncture has to reach a variety of ailments.  Please bear in mind that the body has an amazing wisdom to heal!  Should your condition not be listed, it does not mean it cannot be helped.  Get in touch to find out more!

Autoimmune disorders


Sciatic Pain
Knee Pain

Back Pain
Shoulder Pain

Muscle Tension
Anxiety Disorders

Stress disorders
Peripheral Neuropathy 
Thyroid disorders (hypo, hyper, Hasimoto's, Graves, cancer) 

Surgical Recovery
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Multiple Sclerosis
Menopausal symptoms
Menstrual symptoms incl PMS, PMDD

Dyspareunia & Libido
GastroIntestinal Disorders

 (unspecified, Celiac dz, Crohn’s dz, IBD, IBS)

Bladder and Kidney disorders

Overwhelm from major life transitions

Other benefits received:

Stress Management
Improved Immune Response
Restful Sleep
Improved Mood
Elimination/Reduction of Medications
Improved Digestion & Elimination
Better Hormonal Balance
Better Communication Ability 
Stronger Connection and Intimacy
Reconnection to Creativity

Prevention and Well-Being

Graceful aging
Return of Life-enhancing Interests & Hobbies

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